Platinum Member


  • Member since 4th Dec 2019
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Personal Information

Locked - Click here for membership options
  • Gender Male
  • Nationality American
  • Alcohol consumption Low
  • Willing to take a drug test Yes
  • Smoker No
  • Visible tattoos No
  • Criminal RecordNo


  • Marital Status Single
  • Looking to work as a couple No


  • Spanish Intermediate


  • Availability Within 1 Week
  • Current country United States
  • Current location Napa Valley, California

Passport & Visas




About & Hobbies

I am a passionate culinary professional seeking a galley position. I have formal culinary training, current STCW, Seafarer’s Medical, and Food Safety & Hygiene Level 3 certifications. I am a non-smoker with no tattoos, am fully vaccinated, and have immediate availability.

Most recently, I was Chef de Partie II for the Thomas Keller Restaurant Group in Napa Valley, California. Working alongside French Laundry trained chefs refined my skills and culinary abilities to the level needed for a three Michelin star restaurant. I began as Chef de Partie I and was ultimately promoted to Chef de Partie II when my performance met Chef Keller\\'s high standards and values.

I have experience supervising high end catering events with the New England based, Bar Harbor Catering Company and working with a wide variety of seafood at Abels Lobster restaurant in Bar Harbor, Maine. I also trained in San Francisco, working the line at Michelin starred One Market, specializing in California cuisine and French brasserie Cafe Claude. I also worked at James Beard award winning Gannon’s Pacific View Asian fusion restaurant in Maui, Hawaii. In addition to restaurant experience, I have spent over a decade in food test kitchens as a Research Chef developing new food products and testing new recipes. I have a culinary degree from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York and a Bachelors of Science in Food Science and Nutrition from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California.

I enjoy travel and exploration, scuba diving, multilingualism, wine tasting, yoga, and cookbook collecting.

Combining my education, restaurant and test kitchen work experience, with my dedication to culinary excellence, I am confident that my skills, adaptability, and passion for creating exceptional dining experiences will make a significant contribution. Please contact for food portfolio and sample menus.


0 - 6 months professional yachting experience

2 - 5 years professional chef experience

1 - 2 years professional hospitality experience

Sailing Some Recreational
Cruise Some Recreational
Fishing Some Recreational
Research Extensive Professional & Recreational


  • Entry Level Qualifications (or equivalent) STCW 95 (STCW 2010)
    Updated STCW 95 (STCW 2010)
    ENG 1 (Medical Certificate)
    Proficiency in Security Awareness (A-VI/6)
    Drivers License
  • Culinary Qualifications (or equivalent) Professional Culinary Diploma (6 mths - 2 years+)
  • Food & Hygiene Qualifications Managing Food Safety in Catering
  • Specialised Culinary/Cookery Courses (or equivalent) Introduction to Culinary Arts (Culinary Fundamentals)
    Knife Skills (Culinary Fundamentals)
    Food Safety and Sanitation (Culinary Fundamentals)
    Culinary Math (Culinary Fundamentals)
    Basic Culinary Techniques (Culinary Fundamentals)
  • Education (or equivalent) Diploma of higher education (DipHE)/NVQ level 5 or higher national diploma (HND)

Interior Skills

Hospitality Proficient
Teamwork, Communication & Management Proficient
Provisioning Proficient
Accounting & Budgeting Proficient
Laundry Proficient
Galley Assistance Proficient
Table Service & Settings Very Good
Mixology/ Cocktails Very Good
Wine & Spirits Knowledge Proficient
Barista & Hot Beverages Proficient
Tutor Proficient

Culinary Skills

French Proficient
German Very Good
Chinese Proficient
Pacific Rim Cuisine (asian, hawaii & california etc) Proficient
Nouvelle (new style) Proficient
Vegetarian (no meat) Proficient
Italian Proficient
Japanese Very Good
Indian Novice
Middle Eastern Very Good
Caribbean Experience
Healthy Proficient
Diet(s) (e.g. atkins, raw food, paleo, keto, flexitarian etc) Proficient
Greek Proficient
Mexican Proficient
Spanish Proficient
Kosher Proficient
Thai Proficient
European Proficient
Allergies Proficient
Fusion (mix of culinary traditions) Proficient
Haute Cuisine (high level) Proficient
Note by Note (molecular gastronomy) Very Good
Vegan (no animal products) Proficient
American Proficient
Oceanic Proficient
Lebanese Novice
Vietnamese Proficient
Moroccan Very Good
Mediterranean Proficient
Knife Skills Proficient
Cooking Techniques Proficient
Basic Skills Proficient

Personal Trainer Skills

Weights Proficient
Nutrition & Diet Plans Proficient
Boxing & Sparring Proficient
Martial Arts (Tai Chi etc) Proficient
Interval Training (Aerobics) Proficient
Yoga Very Good
Swimming Proficient
Running (Cardio etc) Proficient