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Jetski Regulations – Where are you?

REGULATIONS for the use of Personal Watercraft (PW).

Maritime authorities throughout the Mediterranean have become more stringent with PW use.

There have been a number of reported instances where PW’s drivers using PW’s belonging to the

yacht, have been party to a random check and heavily fined when unable to provide an appropriate


It is important that Captains / Officers are aware of local by laws and regulations, and clearly inform

the Owners, guests and crew who are using the PW’s.

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) offers both the 1-day RYA Personal Watercraft Certificate at

various RYA Training Centres, as well as the provision for Yachts to become RYA Training Centre,

offering the PW Safety Certificates onboard to guests or crew after appropriate training.

This is an overview of the regulations in place for various Mediterranean countries. This information changes from time to

time – so please ensure you check the latest information with the local authorities.



This information has come from various maritime sources from the country of origin.


The PW driver is required to hold a PW licence & must be 16 years or over. In addition, must wear

a life jacket / buoyancy aid. Registration & insurance papers of the PW must be available. The PW

driver and any passenger must be recorded onto a users list.

PW’s are prohibited in National Parks. The PW driver must keep a distance of 300meters from the

shore. There is no speed limit outside of 300 meters.

Each PW must have a ‘VIGNETA’ (Croatian Permit). This will cost approximately 50 Euros for the

permit and a further 50 Euros for local insurances.


Due to environmental protection, Scandinavian legislation is very strict on water sports involving

PW’s. According to official Danish legislation, PW’s are prohibited within Danish sea territory.


The tender should carry registration and insurance details, but a license is not required by the

Tender driver. No formal legislation is in place for use of PW’s.


The PW driver is required to hold a PW licence & must be 16 years or over. Must keep a distance

of 300meters from the shore. The PW can only be used in daylight.

The PW must have “tender to…” written on it & can only be used in sight of the “Yacht”


The PW driver is not required to hold a PW licence, but must be 18 years or over

The PW driver must keep a distance 150 meters from shore, and a max speed limit of 5 knots

within the port area.


The PW driver is required to hold a PW licence & must be 16 years or over. The PW driver must

keep a distance of 300meters from the shore, and not exceed 3 knots within the port, until

reaching the 300 meter border. PW’s cannot be used between 1330 – 1800 hrs, in built up areas.

Use of PW’s not recommended around the island of Paros


If the PW is registered in Israel, then the PW driver must have a licence (issued by the IMOT)+

insurance + to comply with local ministry of transport requirements.

The PW driver is required to keep a distance of 300meters from the shore.

It is advisable to coordinate any PW use with the local authorities / navy / customs.


The PW driver is required to hold a PW licence if the engine is over 750 cc, and must be 18 years

or over. In addition, must wear a helmet & life jacket / buoyancy aid.

The PW driver is required to keep a distance of 500meters (no less than 1 mile) from the shore.

Strictly no PW use is permitted near ferry routes, near the coast or beaches, near military bases,

at the mouth of rivers, canals, and in the bathing prohibited areas, or in the reserves and other

protected areas..

In some areas there are time restrictions for use of PW;s. It is recommended to contact the Local

Harbour Master Offices, as regulations differ in each area.

-It is fundamental to Keep more than 300 metres distance from military, merchant and fishing

vessels and at least 200 metres from buoys that could indicate subs and fishing nets.PW use must

not be used within the range of 1 miles from the entrance of the ports.

Please note, only a license released from an European Country is accepted by the Italian Coast


The law has recently become stricter in Italy and there are frequent controls especially in areas

such as Capri and the Amalfi Coast.

In the whole maritime district of Naples till the end of June and after September the use of the Jet

skis and nautical skis is generally allowed only daytime observing the above rules:

From July till up September , in the whole Maritime District their use is allowed only from 14 00

hrs to 19.00hrs , always watching the above regulations.

From July till up September out of Naples is forbidden from Mergellina all the way through till

Capo Posillipo.

In particular in Capri , the use of jet skis is allowed , till the end of June and after September ,

only but only daytime, keeping the distance from the coast between 500 mt and 1 mile ( it is not

possible stay under 500 and over1 mile) as mentioned before and observing the whole afore

mentioned regulations. Jet ski cannot be driven near the Blue Grotto or Faraglioni. . In lights of all

mentioned , I really would suggest not to use them

From July till September, observing always the distance restrictions and the entire above policy, it

is be possible to use them only between 14,00 hours and 19,00 hours (not near the Blue Grotto or

Faraglioni ).

In Ischia their use is not allowed, except for the area between Punta Imperatore to Capo Negro,

keeping the mentioned distance and the cited rules.


The PW & Tender driver is required to hold a licence recognised by the Malta Maritime Authority,

and covered by a policy of insurance with a third party.

The PW driver must not exceed 10 knots whilst in a harbour, and keep a distance of 300meters

from the shore.

This applies to driving craft with engines greater than those described below:

1. Two Stroke Petrol IN or Outboard petrol engines of greater than 750 cc

2. Four stroke Petrol Outboard greater than 1000cc

3. Four Stroke Petrol Inboard greater than 1300 cc

4. Diesel Engines greater than 2000cc

5. ALL Engines of greater than 40.8 horsepower (30kw)

At present PW’s regulations are according to flag state.


The PW driver is required to hold a PW licence, and any “minor” (under 18) must be accompanied

by an adult possessing a PW licence In addition, must wear a helmet, life jacket / buoyancy aid &

wear a kill cord / key wrist band or similar

Use of PW’s anywhere near the coast or beaches is penalised since most accidents last year were

caused by PW’s driven too close to the beaches – must keep a distance of 300meters from the

shore. PW’s regulations in Montenegro are very strict as of this year.


The PW driver is required to hold a PW licence.

There are three categories of “local“Spanish licenses A, B & C, subject to hp of the craft.

License ‘A’ if the PW is over 110 hp

License ‘B’ if the PW is over 55 – 110 hp

License ‘C’ if the PW is less than 55 hp


The PW driver is not required to hold a PW licence and no age restriction applies but must wear a

life jacket.

The PW must not be used in restricted areas and cannot depart from the marina or harbour. The

PW driver is required to keep a distance of 200meters from the shore