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TST TEMA Safety & Training

Advanced Fire Fighting (A-VI/3)

via della Transumanza, 5 (C.da Carmine) 74123 Taranto TA Italia



School TST TEMA Safety & Training

Location via della Transumanza, 5 (C.da Carmin...

Duration 6 hour(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

Meet the mandatory minimum requirements for basic training of seafarers in accordance with STCW2 ’95 Code Section A-VI/3(and later amendments),with Ministerial Decree of April 4th, 1987, with Directorial Decree of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the following notes of October 17th, 200, and with Legislative Decree, n. 136 of July 7th, 2011 Implementation of 2008/106/EC Regulation on the minimum level of training for seafarers.

Course Structure

The training course is aimed to theoretical/practical learning of firefighting techniques The topics covered are:

•Fire fighting management;

•Organization and training of fire fighting squads;

•Fire fighting procedures at sea and in port;

•hazards associated with the handling and stowing of materials and dangerous goods;

•inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishing fixed plant;

•testing and maintenance of fire detection systems;

•testing and maintenance of portable and mobile equipments for fire fighting;

•testing and maintenance of any other fire-fighting equipment;

•use of water to extinguish fires and effects on ship stability, precautions and procedures to solve the problem;

•ventilation control;

•Control of the fuel pipes and electrical circuits;

•Dangers in fire-fighting;

•First aid and CPR;

Useful Information

Course pre-requisites

Basic fire-fighting course passed.

The maritime personnel, in addition to what it has already been specifically provided by the rules about requirements for access to the training courses, must follow them in chronological order as shown below:

1) Personal safety and social responsibilities course – PSSR;

2) personal Survival techniques course;

3) Basic fire-fighting course;

4)Advanced fire-fighting course.

Featured Course

Mental Health Awareness Course

50.00 GBP (£)

About TST TEMA Safety & Training

via della Transumanza, 5 (C.da Carmine) 74123 Taranto TA Italia [ view on map ]

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  • Via della Transumanza, 5 (C.da Carmine) 74123 Taranto TA Italia
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