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Sea Training Sussex

CEVNI Waterways Test/Assessment

Pevensey, UK

30 GBP (£)


School Sea Training Sussex

Location Pevensey, UK

Duration 1 hour(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

The RYA CEVNI Exam (or CEVNI code test) must be undertaken, in addition to the International Certificate of Competence (ICC), by any skipper planning to navigate European inland waterways. The test covers CEVNI rules, regulations, signs and signals.

CEVNI stands for Code Européen des Voies de Navigation Intérieure. It is the code governing navigation on the interconnected European inland waterways. Signs, rules and procedures are all included within the CEVNI code, and the users of pleasure craft are expected to know and follow the code.

At the Sea Training Sussex (STS) RYA training school, the RYA CEVNI Exam can be taken, either in the classroom or online, on a test only basis if you already hold an ICC. Alternatively, you can take the test while attending one of the following courses: International Certificate of Competence up to 10m or the RYA Powerboat Level 2 Training Course.

Full and prior knowledge of the CEVNI European inland waterways regulations including signs, symbols, signals and lights is required. To assist, we can provide to you with the European Waterways Regulations book and/or CEVNI flip-cards on request. Please contact us.

The CEVNI Test, which takes just thirty minutes, comprises of fourteen multiple choice questions which, if you are confident of your signs, symbols, signals, lights and regulations, should not present any problems.

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About Sea Training Sussex

The Clubhouse, Old Martello Road, Pevensey Bay, Pevensey, United Kingdom [ view on map ]

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  • Pevensey, UK
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  • Pevensey, UK
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