East Coast College (formerly Lowestoft College)
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (A-VI /1-2)
Suffolk, UK
792 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool East Coast College (formerly Lowestoft College)
Location Suffolk, UK
Duration 3 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW)
This course forms part of the basic training as a pre-requisite to a career at sea.The objective of the training is to give a basic knowledge of the way in which fires are caused and the precautions to be taken to minimise the risk of fire in ships.
Course Description:
Candidates will conduct practical fire fighting exercises using the equipment commonly found on ships. Exercises will also entail the use of self-contained breathing apparatus.
If successful, candidates will be awarded a certificate which meets the performance criteria laid down for fire prevention and fire fighting in accordance with Section A-V1/1 of the STCW code.
The training forms part of the requirements for basic training for seafarers employed or engaged as part of the ship's complement with designated safety or pollution revention duties. The training must be undertaken before new entrants are assigned to any such shipboard duties. The MCA approve these standards.