G.U.E.S.T Advanced Bartending and Mixology 1 (unit 14)
ITA Advanced Bartending & Mixology Course
320 EUR (€)
EnquireSchool ITA Training
Location Antibes
Duration 1 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
Will Understand: The theory of Spirits and Beers; - history, principals and flavour profiles The fundamental principles of correct cocktail making techniques How to recognize, select and use various glassware and cocktail making equipment and tools How to proficiently create seven classic cocktails following the recipes and processes Cocktail specifications:, follow recipes & processes, ingredients & garnishes. How to prepare the bar areas and deliver service How to adapt techniques and skills to a Yacht environment. Refresher training on: - the main spirits, principals, flavour profiles, bitters, quality requirements, cocktail making techniques, service and communication, personal presentation and etiquette, health and safety and hygiene practices