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Prometheus Medical Ltd

Proficiency in Medical First Aid (A-VI/4 1-3)




School Prometheus Medical Ltd

Location Leominster

Duration 5 day(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

Personnel designated to take charge of medical care on board will develop knowledge of the types of ships’ medical equipment and stores and their use to be able to diagnose medical problems on board ship, provide medical care to the sick and injured while they remain on board, and participate in coordinated schemes for medical assistance to ships.

Entry Criteria

Students must be at least 21 years of age, served at sea in a merchant vessel for at least 18 months and have received approved or recognised training in Medical First Aid on Board Ship within the previous five years to receive certification.

Course Content


•Making a diagnosis

•The cardiovascular and respiratory systems

•The abdomen

•ENT, dental and ophthalmic

•Communicable diseases

•Wounds and injuries

•Trauma management


•Equipment and information

•Patient management - general

•Patient management - specific


Maritime and Coastguard Agency - Proficiency in Medical Care on Board Ship


Five Days


At Prometheus residential training facility in Hope-under-Dinmore, Herefordshire. Bespoke courses also available at a requested venue convenient to you.

Featured Course

Drug Abuse Awareness Course

19.50 GBP (£)

About Prometheus Medical Ltd

Prometheus Medical Ltd, The Old Rectory, Hope under Dinmore HR6 0PW [ view on map ]

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More from Prometheus Medical Ltd

  • POA
  • Leominster
  • 5 day(s) Duration

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