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Blackpool and The Fylde College

Proficiency in Security Awareness (A-VI/6)

Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ



School Blackpool and The Fylde College

Location Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater...

Duration 4 hour(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

To give those onboard ship who do not have a designated security duty the essential education and training meeting the Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency (KUP) requirements set out in the following STCW table, which supports Chapter XI-2 of the annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended and the International Ship and Port Facility security (ISPS) Code. NB – security awareness training must be undertaken by all seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on ships which are required to comply with the ISPS Code. The training must meet the following requirements:

Table A-VI/6-1

Function: Ship Security

Competence: Contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness

Recognise security threats Understand the need for, and methods of maintaining security awareness and vigilance

Course Structure

Outcome 1: The learner is aware of the importance of ship security and the roles of those involved in its provision.

•Outcome 2: The learner is aware of the requirements and measures to maintain ship security.

•Outcome 3: The learner is able to recognise and report a security threat.

Useful Information

There are no prerequisites

This training is required by seafarers seeking certification under STCW Regulation VI/6 – training or instruction covering security awareness for all seafarers other than those holding higher STCW security certification;

Featured Course

Cyber Security Awareness Course

85.00 GBP (£)

About Blackpool and The Fylde College

Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ [ view on map ]

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More from Blackpool and The Fylde College

  • 720 GBP (£)
  • Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ
  • 4 day(s) Duration
  • POA
  • Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ
  • 3 day(s) Duration
  • POA
  • Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ
  • 4 day(s) Duration
  • POA
  • Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ
  • 5 day(s) Duration
  • POA
  • Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FYZ 8JZ
  • 3 day(s) Duration

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