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Proficiency in Security Awareness (A-VI/6)

Online MCA Approved Maritime Security (ISPS) Yacht Security Awareness Course for Crew & Staff of Superyachts, Motor Yachts & Mega Yachts Without Security-Related Duties (IMO Model 3.27)

Manchester, UK

95 GBP (£)

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Location Manchester, UK

Duration 4 hour(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

Yotspot users can receive 10% DISCOUNT - USE Code YSPOT10 at the Checkout (STCW ISPS) Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) Online Course Price: £95 + Vat (can convert currency to USD$ and Euros) 100% Online (You do not need to attend a test centre) Available 24/7 365. Pay - Enroll - Login and start training. After successfully completing the final online exam and uploading all the necessary verification information, you will receive receive a downloadable confirmation certificate. The official MCA certificate will be emailed to you once everything has been verified by our official MCA approved examiner. Accreditation: MCA (STCW ISPS) Certification Certification: Regulation VI/6, paragraph 1 and Section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978, as amended. About the Course: The MCA Accredited (STCW ISPS) Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) Training Course is a mandatory requirement for security training course for Shipboard Personnel. The STCW Convention and Code, as amended by the Manila amendments (2010) contains new maritime security (MARSEC) training requirements. All personnel who are either employed or engaged on board ships to which the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) applies require this level of training.

Course Structure

Lesson 1: A Brief Introduction to the ISPS Code Lesson 2: The Threats to Maritime Transportation Lesson 3: Codes, Conventions, Regulations & Recommendations Lesson 4: Maritime Security Definitions Lesson 5: Roles & Responsibilities Lesson 6: Company Requirements Lesson 7: The Port Facility Security Officer Requirement Lesson 8: The Designated Security Duties Requirement Lesson 9: Maritime Security Enhancement Lesson 10: The Maritime Security Measures Lesson 11: The Ship Security Plan Lesson 12: The Maritime Security Levels Lesson 13: Security Drills & Exercises Lesson 14: Counter-Piracy Measures Lesson 15: Emergency & Contingency Plans Lesson 16: Maritime Piracy & Armed Robbery Against Shipping Lesson 17: Recognition of Dangerous Items Lesson 18: Recognition of Persons Likely to Pose a Threat Lesson 19: Security Requirements Lesson 20: Sensitive Security-Related Information & Communications Lesson 21: Methods of Circumventing Security

Useful Information

Who Should Attend? This is a maritime security training course specifically designed for all crew members without designated security duties on board ship, and who do not require either Proficiency as Ship Security Officer (SSO) or Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD) certification. This includes those wishing to work at sea, all ship crew and personnel engaged on a vessel or cruise ship such as engineers, technical staff, dancers, entertainers, pursers, cooks, waiters and stewards, etc. VAT is only applied at the checkout subject to your location and billed at you local rate within the EU. VAT is NOT charged if you are located and make the payment outside the EU. (non EU resident). Please contact us for Group and Bulk licenses.

Featured Course

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Awareness

160.00 GBP (£)


Units 2a(i) and 2a(ii) , Beehive Mill, Jersey Street, Manchester, M4 6JG, United Kingdom [ view on map ]

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