RYA Advanced Powerboat
De Brus Centre, Marske Lane, Skelton-in-Cleveland, North Wales,
EnquireSchool Offshore Sea School
Location De Brus Centre, Marske Lane, Skelton-...
Duration 2 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
The powerboat advanced course is to teach seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to be able to drive a powerboat safely by day and night in familiar tidal coastal waters.
Safety, emergency situations, weather and passage making are covered in more detail, as well as the responsibility of the skipper. A night passage is carried out.
It is recommended that you should be competent to the standard of the Intermediate Powerboat Course with a thorough knowledge of navigation and chartwork.
It is a requirement to hold a current First Aid Certificate and a VHF/SRC Operator's Licence.
The minimum age for this course is 17 years.