340 EUR (€)
EnquireSchool Irish National Sailing Sch & Club
Location Dublin
Duration 2 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
The RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate is the pinnacle of powerboating qualifications. This course will allow powerboaters to gain skills in boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation, at both day and night in coastal waters. Some pre-course preparation maybe needed depending on your experience.
Course Syllabus
•Boat Preparation
•Boat Handling; holding station, coming alongside at speed, lee shore landings
•Rough weather skills
•Meterology; forecast sourcing and interpretation, implications for powerboating
•Navigation; at day and night using GPS, depth sounder, steering and hand bearing compass
•Passage Planning
•International Collision Regulations, day and night shapes
•Safety, search patterns, sea anchor usage
•Basic maintenance, trailing and storage
Previous Experience/Knowledge Required
Participants must hold a RYA Intermediate Powerboat Certificate and have a knowledge of chart work and navigation to that of RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Shorebased Certificate.
It is strongly recommended that participants hold a VHF Radio Operators Certificate and a First Aid Certificate.