EnquireSchool Lews Castle College
Location Stornoway, UK
Duration 40 hour(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
An advanced course in navigation and meteorology for candidates for the Coastal Skipper Certificate. The syllabus makes some provision for revision of subjects in the elementary course but those who have not acquired the knowledge set out in the elementary course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in the advanced course in the time available.
Course Structure
? dead reckoning and estimated position,the poition line
? the magnitic compass, position fixing
? tides, tidal streams, buoyage, lights, pilotage, echo sounder
? radio aids to navigation, logs (speeds and distance measuring)
? deck log, meteorology, anchoring, rule of the road, safety at sea,
? signals,navigation in restricted visibility, passage planning and making.