395 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool Moonfleet Sailing
Location The Waterfront, Cobbs Quay, Hamworthy...
Duration 5 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
The RYA Day Skipper theory course introduces the novice skipper to the wide range of subjects needed to take a small cruising yacht to sea. These include – the parts and equipment of a yacht, emergency and safety equipment and procedures (such as distress calls, use of flares, safety harnesses, life jackets and liferafts.) Students are taught the basics of coastal navigation and pilotage covering chartwork, position fixing, plotting a course to steer, weather forcasting, a knowledge of tides and the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea. During the course students sit two exams, one on navigation and the other a general paper covering, seamanship, meteorology and the collision regulations.
At the end of the course successful students will be awarded the RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate and will have sufficient knowledge to undertake the RYA Day Skipper Practical Course.
The dayskipper shorebased course is held in our classroom and includes all course materials, morning and afternoon tea. Lunch is not included.
Course Structure
•Seamanship, Basic navigation and pilotage, Safety procedures and Collision regulations.