RYA Day Skipper Theory
Nucleo Gil Eanes, Escada 5-1 DT Tras, Marina De Lagos, Lagos,
500 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool Rock Sailing Gibraltar
Location Nucleo Gil Eanes, Escada 5-1 DT Tras,...
Duration 5 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
RYA Training Centre offering theory sailing courses from RYA Day Skipper to RYA Coastal Yachtmaster and full range of shorebased courses in Gibraltar and Spain
The course is designed to give you the basic background knowledge required to help you safely skipper a yacht. We will give you an understanding of navigation, including the use of nautical charts, symbols and abbreviations, how to plot your position on a chart, the use of way points, estimated positions and courses to steer and tidal information. We also cover meteorology, pilotage and collision regulations.