440 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool Hamble Point Yacht Charters
Location Southampton, UK
Duration 5 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Theory Courses are five days long and provide you with the theory knowledge required to enable you to safely Skipper a boat in waters you know during the hours of daylight prior to going on a Day Skipper practical training course. Completing this course prior to the practical training helps you achieve far higher standard of practical competence.
Day Skipper Theory Syllabus includes shore based modules in navigation, pilotage and passage planning, the buoyage system, meteorology, safety and seamanship, collision regulations, fog routine, tides, navigational aids and an introduction to crew management. This theory course will consolidate what you learned on your RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship Interactive theory course and build on this to provide increased confidence in your ability to manage the boat and crew as a Day Skipper during and after your practical course.
RYA Day Skipper Theory Fee Includes:
RYA Day Skipper theory delivered by motor boat instructors to motor boaters
RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory training pack – worth £32.50
RYA Practice Navigation Tables (PNT) training almanac – worth £6.30
RYA Instruction by one of our RYA Day Skipper theory Instructors
PC's on each classroom desk to assist with the electronic Navigation CD
Internet access to use on line training aids
RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory course certification
Refreshments during the theory course training, but we do not provide lunch