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Menorca Cruising School

RYA Day Skipper

Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland,

775 EUR (€)


School Menorca Cruising School

Location Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland,

Duration 5 day(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

A course for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills. Learn to skipper a short passage with the instructor on hand to give advice and encouragement and ensure your safety. Experience being in charge, taking credit when it all goes well and being responsible when it doesn't. The course qualifies you for the International Certificate of Competence (available to British Citizens and residents), which is often required if you sail or charter in European countries.

Before this course, if you are not sure that your sailing is up to speed, a good way to learn is on an RYA Level 2 dinghy course. This will teach you to sail around a course and control the boat's speed. If it's help with navigation that you need, you should take the RYA Day Skipper shorebased course.

CONTENT: Preparation for sea, deck work, navigation, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, victualling, emergency situations, yacht handling under power, yacht handling under sail, passage making, night cruising.

During the course in Menorca we explore beautiful unspoilt coves each lunchtime. Evening stops may enable us to go alongside, in the pretty old fishing harbour of Fornells, famous for its great seafood restaurants, in Addaya or the old capital, Ciutadella.

Duration: 5 days

No of Students: 4/5 maximum and 2 minimum

Accommodation: 5/6 nights aboard

Qualification achieved: RYA Day Skipper / I.C.C. Cert.

Pre-Course experience: 5 days, 100 miles, 4 night hours on board a sailing yacht


? Fully qualified professional instruction and all safety equipment

?Accommodation on board for 5/6 nights

?High quality lunch on board


?Mooring fees in Mahón Harbour and Fornells

?Loan of lightweight oilskins (not often necessary from May to October)

?Freshly laundered sheets and bedding

?RYA cruising Log Book G15


?Flights (2.5 hrs. duration)

?Mooring fees away from Mahón Harbour & Fornells. Anchoring options available

?Holiday insurance (You need normal cancellation, lost cash etc. Please show details on your booking form)

?Shore based accommodation (Accommodation options)

Featured Course

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Awareness

160.00 GBP (£)

About Menorca Cruising School

Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland, [ view on map ]

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  • 350 EUR (€)
  • Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland,
  • 2 day(s) Duration
  • 775 EUR (€)
  • Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland,
  • 5 day(s) Duration
  • 775 EUR (€)
  • Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland,
  • 5 day(s) Duration
  • POA
  • Andersa 3 Lok 18, 81-831 Sopot, Poland,
  • 6 day(s) Duration

View all Menorca Cruising School courses
