RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship
Beaufort House, 26 Manordale Close, Flockton, Wakefield, Yorkshire
145 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool SeaSports SouthWest Ltd
Location Beaufort House, 26 Manordale Close, F...
Duration 2 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
The first step in the cruising scheme theory pathway, this excellent course gives a basic introduction to navigation and safety for anyone new to boating: sailors, power-boaters, sea anglers, divers and boat-masters. Also useful for experienced dinghy and keelboat sailors and inshore racers.
We will cover: Charts and publications, safety, buoyage, tidal awareness, basic navigation and pilotage, rules of the road, electronic navigation, anchoring, weather forecasts, passage planning.
This is an online course; you will receive a course pack which includes a chart, plotter, dividers, course handbook, exercises and an electronic chart plotter CD which can either be collected or sent out by post.
All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
Useful Information
£60 deposit.