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Powerboat Training

RYA Powerboat Level 1

Basic introduction to safe boating for beginners

Auckland, New Zealand

595 NZD ($)

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School Powerboat Training

Location Auckland, New Zealand

Duration 1 day(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

To provide a basic practical introduction to boating on the water for those with no previous experience. The course may be conducted either on your boat or on our school boat. It is recommended that students continue to the RYA Powerboat Level 2 course after completion of the Powerboat Level 1 course. This is not a classroom course and all the teaching is done afloat on a boat. Therefore there is a maximum ratio of 3 students to one instructor which provides a great quality learning environment. This course is available as a ladies only course if requested. Sometimes we find that girls just like to stick together and prefer to learn about boating without having guys on the course. We have run many of these ladies only courses and find that they have been very well received.

Course Structure

Launch and recovery Boat preparation Safety equipment Ropework Basic boat handling Basic seamanship An introduction to wind/tide interaction Rules of the road

Useful Information

By the end of this course, you should have a good basic understanding of how to safely operate a boat. It is very much about spending time on the water with an experienced instructor who can answer all your questions in addition to building your confidence. We guarantee a great experience and a relaxed professional learning environment. So if you have every wondered how to drive a boat or any of the tricks and techniques behind becoming a proficient, confident boat handler, this course is for you. Practical boating education is our core business. We are encouraging people to undertake these practical courses as there are so many things you can learn on these courses that it is just not possible to pick up in a classroom. The RYA Powerboat Level 1 course is an internationally recognised qualification.

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About Powerboat Training

Operational Area:, Z pier, Westhaven Marina, Auckland, , New Zealand. [ view on map ]

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More from Powerboat Training

  • 595 NZD ($)
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • 1 day(s) Duration
  • 895 NZD ($)
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • 2 day(s) Duration
  • 795 NZD ($)
  • Auckland, New Zealand
  • 1 day(s) Duration

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