RYA Start Windsurfing
Kielder Water Sailing Club, Northumberland, NE48 1BX
70 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool Kielder Water Sailing Club
Location Kielder Water Sailing Club, Northumbe...
Duration 2 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
For adults - Start Windsurfing - this RYA Start Windsurfing Course has been created specifically for those that are new to the sport of windsurfing, and is designed to get you on the water using some of the latest, user-friendly windsurfing equipment and to instruct you using the latest RYA coaching techniques.
Useful Information
• Duration: 16 hours (2 days of 8 hours)
• Course aims: this course introduces the basic elements of windsurfing that will enable you to sail and turn around confidently and safely. The course consists of simulator training, plenty of on-water coaching and some theory.
• Qualifications: an RYA logbook and certificate is awarded on completion of the course.
For youngsters - any of the following stages may be awarded depending on their ability and experience
Stage 1 - an ideal introduction, teaching you the basics of getting on the water and sailing the board across the wind and back.
Stage 2 - practical skills to get you sailing around a course practising tacking and gybing, enabling you to make progression towards and away from the wind.
Adult training cost £70 for a 2 day course and youngsters are charged £40 (includes log books).