RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory
Allabroad Sailing Academy, The STCW95 Training Centre, 7 The Square, Marina Bay, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA
159 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool All Abroad Sailing Academy
Location Allabroad Sailing Academy, The STCW95...
Duration 1 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
Assessment Duration
A half day oral assessment with an independent MCA RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Examiner. You must provide your examiner with a narrative account of the planning and execution of your qualifying passage. Navigational records, completed on board the yacht on passage, out of sight of land, showing that you have navigated the yacht without use of electronic navigational aids. The records must include at a minimum: planning, reduction and plotting of a sun-run-meridian altitude sight and compass check carried out using the bearing of the sun, moon, a star or a planet.
During your oral test you may be required to answer questions on all aspects of ocean passage making, including passage planning, navigation, worldwide metrology, crew management and yacht preparation, maintenance and repair.
The written test will include questions on sights and sight reduction and worldwide metrology. If you hold the Yachtmaster Ocean Theorycertificate, a Royal Navy Ocean Navigation Certificate or a MCA Certificate of Competence as a Deck Officer, you’ll be exempt from the written examination.
MCA RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence
Exam fees payable directly to the RYA on your application form, this is currently £159