Yachtmaster Offshore - 5 Day Prep/Exam (RYA, USCG or other)
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor and Sail
Just Sailing, Chiavari, Italy
1,600 EUR (€)
Book this courseSchool Just Sailing
Location Just Sailing, Chiavari, Italy
Duration 7 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
To attain the RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster is capable of skippering the sail yacht or motor boat on extended offshore passages by day or night. The Yachtmaster Prep is not an exam in itself, but it is the best way in which to prepare for it and the vast majority of successful candidates choose a reputable RYA course provider such as Just Sailing to undertake such preparation before they launch into the exam itself. Previous Experience Required: 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged, 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper (Half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters). VHF radio operator’s certificate and a valid first aid certificate. There is a minimum age of 18 to take the exam
Course Structure
Revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills. Early in the week the instructor will assess your strengths and weaknesses and coach you in the areas required to pass the examination. We are likely to concentrate on the following areas: passage planning, man overboard recovery, close quarters handling, skippering techniques, navigation in restricted visibility, pilotage and knowledge of the International Collision Regulations. The instructor will debrief you fully as the week progresses and ensure that you get time to ask about and practise on any weaker areas. Before joining the course, students should have the pre-requisite experience outlined above, navigation theory to RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster theory level and a thorough knowledge of the Collision Regulations. The examiner will ask each candidate to skipper the yacht on several short passages and complete various demonstrations of their skippering and sailing ability. The Just Sailing Yachtmaster Prep course lasts for 5 days at the end of which you are able to complete the exam itself, which takes two further days. This can be arranged immediately following the course and will require the engagement of an RYA Yachtmaster examiner who will join the boat for those two days. We can make these arrangements for you, provided we are given sufficient notice.