Join Yotspot

Advertise your maritime positions with Yotspot, the leading jobs board in the yachting industry. Connect with top candidates for super yacht and shore-based roles. Kickstart your career with Yotspot's extensive job listings, career training, and industry connections to help you chart your professional path.

See all membership options
For employers
The Yacht Account

Are you looking for professional yacht crew? Join and gain unrestricted access to our entire crew database with unlimited postings for Captains, Deckhands Stewardesses and much more...

For employers
The Shorebased Account

Are you looking for yachting industry professionals? Join and gain unrestricted access to our entire database of industry professionals with unlimited postings for Yacht Brokers, Managers, Designers and much more...

For jobseekers
The Jobseeker Account

Are you looking for jobs or opportunties within the yachting industry? Join and access advanced features to assist your job-hunting journey as well as exclusive discounts, deals and benefits...

For training providers
The Training Account

Are you a maritime training provider looking to advertise your course? Join and advertise your maritime training courses including dates & availability to maritime professionals who need them...


Are you MLC 2006 Compliant?

Yotspot was MLC certified for its Traditional Crew Placement Service. Due to the huge success of The Yotspot 24/7 Account where Captains and HoDs pay for access to use our database and recrurit themselves, we have decided to retire our Traditional Recruitment Service. We believe The Yotspot 24/7 Account offers far better value to our clients than our Traditional Service where clients pay one months salary per placement. Due to this we will not be renewing our MLC Certification as a database service that yachts access themselves cannot be audited due to the recruitment process being done by the yacht and not by Yotspot. 
Although access to our database cannot be MLC audited (as we are not the ones doing the recruitment) we can still provide a document which you can use to show you are using a database which is MLC compliant. Please email and can supply this.