We are looking for an experienced stewardess for an interior of 4. NOT CHIEF and NOT 2nd. We need someone with at least 1 season under the belt, so anything from 4months experience - 1 year, with a B1B2 in hand ready to join in USA next week.
We leave FLL 13 April and first trip starts 17 April. Heading to the South Pacific until end of this year with a very busy program, so we need someone who can jump straight into being on trip and feels confident enough to commit the entire season until end of November minimum 2025. However this is a permanent position so someone that wants to be apart of this exciting journey of exploring complete new territory going to places most yachts will never go is key. Once we come back end of Nov. we will charter Carribean season too. As we will be going to French Polynesia we need a stewardess that holds a passport that would NOT need a visa as we do not have enough time for processing period. This is perfect for NZ, Australian, European, Canadian, American crew as their passports does not require visas for all the different locations we are heading to.