Success Stories
Annette Louise Petrenko

Nationality: British
2nd Stewardess: 44m M/Y
Chief Stewardess: 38m M/Y
Chief Stewardess 40m M/Y
I landed my first Yotspot job this year as 2nd Stewardess on a boss trip, having already been shortlisted for a few I couldn't fulfil because of travel restrictions. Yotspot is intriguing: you apply for many jobs and although you don't know who's looking at your profile or reading your applications, there's something working in your favour behind the scenes.
I'm relatively new to the industry, having previously worked as a teacher. Being mature I thought my age would be a problem, but no. The deciding factor in this industry is yachting experience, not age. The flexibility of short contracts, a week here and a month there, suits me perfectly.
The best bit about this job is every experience is a reminder of how different my life is now. Even when I'm dead on my feet on another back-to-back charter, I look through the porthole and marvel at the beautiful blue skies and sandy beaches, grateful to be here and not in cold, wet London!
I love cleaning the bathrooms ‘til they're sparkling! I'll check from every angle to see the glass and mirrors shine, very gratifying. I would never have said that 5 years ago!
My favourite spot to visit... is Europe. It's closer to home and whenever we stop in port and I've got time, I get off and immerse myself in the culture. I speak 4 languages so I'm happiest exploring.
My advice is... when you've got downtime, use it to learn a transferable skill. Computer skills, massage, yoga... anything you can take onboard. Additional skills go a long way.
Tips for a newbie... persevere, don't lose focus, keep your eye on your finances and BE NICE TO EVERYONE! It's a super-small industry, everyone knows everyone. If you're living in a crew house with someone you're not sure about, be nice. You could find yourself working with them - or even for them - next season!