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Success Stories

Fenella Whyatt

Fenella Whyatt

Nationality: British
Relief Chef, Sole Chef & Head Chef: M/Y up to 45M

I've been in the industry for over 15 years, working as Chef on a diverse range of yachts.

I always tell new crew about Yotspot, my favourite platform and main job search tool these days. It's easy to use and takes all the painstaking work out of profile updates.

Owners/Captains can access your profile and check to see if you're a suitable candidate.

I love being on the water. My parents were big sailors and grand-parents restauranteurs. A career that combines my love of the sea, cooking and travel is very rewarding.

The best bit about this job: Exploring beautiful anchorages and exotic destinations.

Bringing local delicacies onboard, reflecting local markets in my dishes for guests and crew.

On a day off I like to leave early with my swimsuit and goggles, get off the beaten track and under the skin of the local culture.

The best spots to visit: The Ligurian coast, Corsica with its' abundance of great produce, local restaurants and stunning coastline. Croatia, Montenegro and the Grenadines & Bahamian islands are magical.

The best advice: Stay in good shape physically and mentally!

You're often working 18 hr days and long days at anchor can exaggerate an issue 10-fold when working in close proximity to your crew mates, so maintaining perspective is important! Have a swim where possible and an early morning workout!

Invest in yourself. Short internships in good restaurants and motivational culinary workshops along with an RYA Yachtmaster and PBL2 have been very useful.

Tips for a newbie: Be smart. Check your contract and medical cover carefully before signing and join Nautilus International - the '‘'guardian angels' for seafarers who may encounter employment issues or accidents onboard.

Have a 5-year plan. Take personal responsibility for your own safety, particularly when tired.

Be generous and supportive to fellow crewmembers.

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