Company Profile
The Club House and Facilities 2014 saw the opening of the redeveloped Club House, with a newly refurbished restaurant and bar. We also have two function rooms which are available to outside organisations for any type of event. We can cater for up to about 150 guests spread throughout the two rooms, with full bar and catering services available, if required. Each function will be tailored to suit your needs, from basic teas and coffees, to full formal dinners. Activities The Club organises sailing events for dinghies and cruisers and is involved in the planning and running of cruiser racing events in the Harwich area. It has an active Cadet section and is a recognised RYA Training Centre. Many members use the Club facilities to make use of their boats without joining in organised activities. The Club also supports canoeists and rowers and maintains links with the local Sea Cadets and RNLI. It has a comprehensive social programme serving all its members with a programme of events throughout the year. Club History W&FYC is one of the older established Sailing Clubs on the East Coast. The club-house is built on the site of a former windmill. Our prime objective is "To promote the sport and pastime of Yachting and Boating and other Sports and Games". After WW1 a former military anti-submarine hydrophone listening post and observation tower was purchased. This was dismantled, removed from its original site on the Walton sea front and re-erected on brick and concrete piers to form a club house on its present site on old foundations of the windmill. It was opened on the 24th July 1920. Later some other former army buildings were also re-erected south of the tower. Over the years there had been various developments of the club-house. The internal layout of the tower was extensively altered, the outside rendered and new windows fitted in the 1970s.