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Ocean Training

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Theory

Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 8AB, United Kingdom,

300 GBP (£)


School Ocean Training

Location Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby...

Duration 40 hour(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

Now with:

380 Animations covering every subject area. (So good that the MCA even use them for Coastguard and staff training)

Fully RYA Interactive Online Yachtmaster course

Comes on a USB stick so that you get all the coursework upfront. (Ideal for slow or poor internet connection - True "Plug & Play"

If you are looking to complete an RYA/MCA Interactive Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Distance Learning training programme that will lead to an internationally recognized qualification then Ocean Training Online are here to help! As a leading online training provider, we are able to offer a superb range of RYA approved courses which you can complete anywhere you want to, and in your own time and pace. Our new choice of RYA interactive programmes are ideal for anyone seeking to learn new skills that will help further their career or improve their sailing abilities for leisure purposes. The vast majority of our RYA courses that we offer can now be completed both online and at sea, depending on your unique preferences and personal situation. For example, when you sign up for our RYA/MCA Yachtmaster online training course, you will have regular access to your own tutor who will help you to get through the various included modules in your own timeframe whilst providing expert guidance and invaluable tuition each and every step of the way. The training can either be completed at home or while you are working out at sea which offers unrivalled flexibility.

This is an advanced course in Navigation and Meteorology for candidates who wish to gain their Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore certificates. The syllabus makes provision for some revision of subjects in the Day Skipper course but those who have not acquired the knowledge of the elementary course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in the advanced course. Ideally you should possess the Day Skipper shore based certificate before embarking on this course. If however you are confident in your ability to Skipper a boat and you consider that you have a good understanding of all the basics then you could slot in at this level.

The course is fully interactive. Step by step instructions with many colour illustrations, plus the over 375 + animations guide you through the course. We even include cartoons and snippets of navigational history, to make the course a very enjoyable experience.

You are allocated your own personal tutor who will mark your assessments and final exams. You can always contact your tutor if you need to clarify your learning. We do find, that our students get very high marks owing to the step by step instructions and high quality of our course material. The course is ideal for both Power and Sail.

The course consists of:-

Full Ocean Training Interactive Course

375+ Animated Graphics to aid your learning

2 Training Charts

Training Almanac

Electronic Chart Tutor and Simulator

Your own personal tutor with whom you will correspond by e-mail

Final Examinations

Full RYA Certification upon completion

The electronic chart plotting simulator is included with every Ocean Training course such as Dayskipper theory and Coastal Skipper Yachtmaster Offshore theory. This enables the student to get a full grasp of electronic chart plotting techniques and even includes a simulated vessel which can be used both for passage planning and simulated voyages.

Free First Class Postage within the UK. (Standard Fedex rates for the rest of the world)

Featured Course

Mental Health Awareness Course

50.00 GBP (£)

About Ocean Training

Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 8AB, United Kingdom, [ view on map ]

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  • 20 hour(s) Duration
  • 180 GBP (£)
  • Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 8AB, United Kingdom,
  • 40 hour(s) Duration
  • 140 GBP (£)
  • Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 8AB, United Kingdom,
  • 40 hour(s) Duration
  • 295 GBP (£)
  • Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 8AB, United Kingdom,
  • 40 hour(s) Duration
  • 300 GBP (£)
  • Ocean Training, Kites Hardwick, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 8AB, United Kingdom,
  • 40 hour(s) Duration

View all Ocean Training courses
