RYA Powerboat Level 2
Plaza de Reyes Catolicos 26, Entresuelo (frente Palacio de Justicia),
535 USD ($)
EnquireSchool Miramar Sailing School
Location Plaza de Reyes Catolicos 26, Entresue...
Duration 2 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
This course teaches the necessary skills to drive a powerboat in daylight and coastal waters. Ability to Power Boat Level 1 is assumed. It offers eligibility for the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) coastal for power up to 10m.
You will learn many boat handling skills including close quarter handling, man overboard recovery, picking up a mooring buoy, high speed manoeuvres, anchoring and control of the boat in a sea. Some theory is also taught but it is assumed that you have knowledge of terminology and conduct with regard to other vessels in confined waters.
RYA minimum age 12. Candidates under 16 will be issued with an endorsed certificate.
Course Structure
Launch and recovery, preparation of boat and crew, boat handling, picking up and securing to a mooring buoy, leaving and coming alongside, being towed.