120 GBP (£)
EnquireSchool Welsh Harp Sailing Club
Location Welsh Harp, Birchen Grove, Wembley, L...
Duration 2 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
We have five safety boats, all fast dories, ideally equipped to handle dinghies or windsurfers that get into trouble or run out of wind.
We have 3 RYA qualified powerboat instructors and regularly run courses for members to obtain RYA Level 1/2 Powerboat and RYA Safety Boat certificates.
Safety & Power boat courses are run by WHSC for its Members and Associate Members (open to members of other Sailing Clubs on the Welsh Harp). Powerboat and Safety Boat courses each need a minimum of 4 applicants and a maximum of 6.
Members applying for the Safety Boat course must have a RYA Powerboat Level 2 certificate AND adequate recent powerboat experience to safely manoeuvre near people in the water.