Sir Derek Bibby Training Centre
Marine Pilotage
ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Old Building , Ground Floor, Mahim, Causeway, Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400 016
EnquireSchool Sir Derek Bibby Training Centre
Location ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Ol...
Duration 5 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
Marine Pilotage requires specialised knowledge and experience of a specific local area.
In accordance with IMPA & IMO Pilotage Resolution A.960 (23) adopted on 05 Dec 2003 this training provides practical experience under close supervision of experienced pilots. The resolution also recommends that Pilots undergo a refresher course at regular intervals.
Our visual simulator can effectively train upcoming Marine Pilots in the art of Marine Pilotage using real time conditions prevailing in the ports of operations. Our simulators can create full visuals of any port for training in Pilotage & Bridge Resource management.
Maintaining an effective working relationship between the pilot & the bridge team in both routine and emergency conditions is covered in this training as it is difficult to be realistically simulated in live conditions due to reasons of safety & costs involved.
Our refresher course also covers advanced modern Navigational Aids, their use & importance in Pilotage apart from refreshing basic ship handling & handling emergency scenarios.
Useful Information
Aim of this course is to train and provide practical knowledge to candidates in maneuvering characteristics and ship handling in various as well as specific situations which the pilots are likely to experience in their area of operation.
The candidates who successfully complete this course will gain experience in handling ships under various conditions and make more effective contribution to the bridge team during ship maneuvering.
Particularly, candidates will:
•Familiarise with the use of engines and helm for the ship maneuvering.
•Understand the effects on the behavior of the ship due to: ?Wind
?Shallow water effect, banks and narrow channels
?Condition of loading;
•A greater awareness of the importance of planning a passage or maneuvering and the need for an alternative plan; and
•A greater understanding and awareness of efficient bridge procedures during watch keeping and ship handling.
Eligibility : Recommendation/Sponsorship from Local Port Pilotage authority
Course Duration : 5 days
Batch Intake : 3 delegates per batch