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Sir Derek Bibby Training Centre

Shipboard Safety Officer

ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Old Building , Ground Floor, Mahim, Causeway, Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400 016



School Sir Derek Bibby Training Centre

Location ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Ol...

Duration 2 day(s)

Dates Contact for more info

Accommodation None Included

The management of safety on board is a key task and the personnel involved in managing this, namely, personnel performing the duties as a Safety Officer or a Safety Representative or those who are about to enter into such a position needs to understand and update their knowledge on shipboard safety management.

Safety Officers and Safety Representatives are the key to managing on-board safety and it is critical for them to understand the roles and responsibilities associated with this duty. Motivation is the key element in enhancing and developing a good Safety Culture on board. Safety culture can only be developed with encouragement in implementation of best practices

The implementation of OHSAS 18000 has further solidified the need of understanding process of managing Occupational Hazards and enhancing Safety on board. This course is mandatory for officers serving in UK Australia and Norway and also recommended by OPITO for the offshore industry

This course meets the requirement of STCW Code A-II/2 and A-III/2, IMO model course 3.11, the Code of Safe Working Practices and the TMSA requirement 3a & 3b and addresses the requirements of SIRE VIQ (Edition 5) – Element 5.1


•To understand duty and obligation regarding safety.

•To understand roles and responsibilities of safety Officer.

•To understand the functioning of the Safety Committee.

•Various Health and Safety regulations.

•Safety training on Board

•Application of COSWP and encouragement of Best Practices.

Course content :

•Duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer

•Role of Safety Committee

•Health and Safety Legislation and Regulations

•Accident and Incident Prevention

•Accident and Incident Investigation

•Risk Assessment

•On Board Safety Training

•Behaviour Based Safety

The Course can be customised to include Company Specific Documentation on Safety Inspections, Safety Committee.

Eligibility : All officers and petty officers

Duration : 2 days

Batch intake : 2 - 8 delegates per batch

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Cyber Security Strategy Course

55.00 GBP (£)

About Sir Derek Bibby Training Centre

ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Old Building , Ground Floor, Mahim, Causeway, Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400 016 [ view on map ]

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  • ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Old Building , Ground Floor, Mahim, Causeway, Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400 016
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  • POA
  • ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Old Building , Ground Floor, Mahim, Causeway, Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400 016
  • 5 day(s) Duration
  • POA
  • ST. Xavier's Technical Institute , Old Building , Ground Floor, Mahim, Causeway, Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400 016
  • 1 day(s) Duration

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